SAME I literally graduated university, finished my intership, had my driver's license and will probably have a Japanese certification before it starts again. Also I gave me ex- best friend of 10+ years a second chance because she ghosted me and she ghosted me AGAIN. Also I got 2 jobs, one before and one after my intership.
pleaseeeeee, because the hiatus literally gave me enough time to start talking to this Arab guy who i thought was gonna be my life but then it turns out he was really just playing games so i just like pretty much gave up on him (we never even dated) and then i found this other guy that looked just like him and then we started talking and then we ended up dating and then we broke up and he got with another girl5 days after our break up and then my brother who i literally cannot live without he moved out and my cousins best friend moved in and hes awesome
Hiatus so long it gave me time to get a boyfriend, break up with said boyfriend, give ex boyfriends clothes back (he took forever to get them) and then gave me time to get a new job and quit my old one. Hurry the FAWK up hoe