He didnt like him simply because a random guy took his first love so quick before he could make a move. Nothing more and nothing less. He hated him for whichever bad idea he made up that he is a guy not worth for the girl. And oushi knew that. So he just pushed buttons for him to realize nah he isnt that of an ass he made him up to be. Basically itsuomi had the thought process of this dude gotta chill out and better hate me for a valid reason than trying to break me and my girlfriend apart for something childish
Also we cant forget how pushy pushi was when he tried to even kissed her when he knew damn well shes taken. THAT is pushy and harrasment. Especially when she clearly was uncomfortable

Yes and we can acknowledge the fact that oushi was pushy in that moment while also acknowledging the fact that itsuomi is also pushy in the moments he shares with Oushi. Who cares what the reason was, Oushi’s boundaries were being disrespected. He just wanted to be left alone at some point and he wouldn’t be granted that dignity. The whole conversion could have been done while having respect for Oushi but it wasn’t.

And the whole reason why this upsets me as much as it does is because they go out of the way to explain why he was wrong for doing that to her. Nyjah out of the way to explain that he is wrong for pushing his emotions onto her and that he should just move on however they do nothing to discourage the fact that he didn’t want anything to do with him in the first place. And they still don’t do anything about it and now he’s rewarded for his constant disrespect of boundaries.

hello ?? harassment is so so OA. oushi was not left with no choice. itsuomi was “pushy” but oushi was absolutely capable of you know, NOT going through any of the things he was “forced” to?
and btw no, oushi was never “respectful” of yuki’s boundaries. he just hid his romantic feelings. that’s got nothing to do with her boundaries. these chapters literally happened to give closure and development (which were VERY much needed) to oushi’s character. like it or not, itsuomi and yuki and his so called “horrible” friends were the one to push him to change for the better. sometimes that’s needed.
don’t baby oushi. he is fully able to leave his friends and leave itsuomi hanging.

That’s not why his friends are horrible. Do you not remember the reason why they there? they’re there to break up Yuki and Itsuomi. Like entire time instead of being, maybe you should we were like no let’s break them up for you king like that’s crazy like and toxic you can help someone change without over pushing on their boundaries and Itsuomi specifically didn’t. He didn’t respect them at all. I’m not saying he shouldn’t have gotten closure. He just shouldn’t have to be friends with someone disrespectful of his boundaries. It’s not babying to call out toxic behavior. It’s babying to accept that behavior simply because you like the character. I feel like you don’t understand I’m calling out the writing. Like yeah he is able to theoretically, but at the same time, his action are whatever the writer wants him to do and for a very realistic manga this is incredibly disappointing.

i feel like you’re over inflating everything. oushi’s friends were questionable at best. itsuomi was never toxic, and oushi (like someone else alr said) wasn’t even SERIOUSLY putting up boundaries, everyone and their mom knew oushi only “hated” itsuomi because he felt like he “stole” yuki from him.
you say it’s disappointing for a realistic manga as if people aren’t like this irl?? especially when the characters are only in college. in the real world, nothing is ever cutthroat black or white. even yuki says that oushi is flawed but STILL kind, and him appreciating his friends, finally moving on from yuki, and developing a friendship with itsuomi is literally proof of that. oushi understood that itsuomi was only ever pushy with him because he needed it. i can think of a hundred real life scenarios where the same has happened.
boundaries aren’t just take take take, and it’s not just people accommodating what you want. considering oushi’s past behavior i think it’s only fair he gets his boundaries “pushed” (if you really think so)

He can move on from his feelings and not develop a friendship with him. He doesn’t need to develop a friendship with him. He doesn’t even need to have to like him. He just didn’t have to hate him anymore. it’s just extremely weird to see someone constantly pushing that boundary and no repercussions come from it. It leaves an extremely bad taste amount. I think it’s fine if others disagree or others simply don’t care because it’s Subjective.
you’re right boundaries aren’t only take, however, that’s what itsuomi has been doing with Oushi. To call it a friendship would be exaggerating.

Being perfectly honest, I calmed the fuck down and took a minute to breathe and I don’t 100% feel the same anymore. I do think you bring up an interesting point now where he really didn’t need to invite him in this case, but I do think it was an act of Goodwill to fine with their relationship. I don’t think that necessarily validate everything Itsuomi was doing but I do think it speaks to the growth of Oushi.
I’m actually kinda mad bc why did it work? Like why is Oushi going to be friends with him? Like Itsuomi doesn’t respect his boundaries at all to the point of damn near harassment but now it’s fine because he pushed hard enough?!?! He already had to deal with horrible friends and now he has another. He can have friends who want the best for him and also respect his boundaries and he doesn’t. Like he should have just kept walking it’s so ughhh especially bc he respects the FL boundaries by not pushing his feeling on to her. I hope they give him space and don’t just shove girl with dog in his face and give him time with the ONLY PERSON who respects his boundaries aka the guy with the glasses.