What I meant was, " She's just a kid " Lol she is 22 an adult an fuckin adult. She deserves all this hate. People are not bashing her for being homophobic , but how she meddled grown ass mans love life without any consent as if Mr. Kwon is her family member, I believe not even family member have rights to do what she did.

Immaturity will not justify what they did , even if she was a toddler what she did is still wrong ,either way it's fiction or irl . It's not like people are trying to kill her, she did wrong so she is getting hated that's all, why some people act like we are hating on real person?? We know they are just fiction. Please learn to digest when people get what they asked .

So far I didn't witness any death threats, they are just pissed, and people hating her depends on their personal life experience too, what she did might look light since Mr. Kwon is a green flag but if it was any other sensitive man it could have hunt him down . This couple are one of the most greenest couples of BL History , ofc fandom gonna burn any side characters alive if they try to meddle blw them. It's their precious BL family gurl, they will never tolerate even a tiny mistake from side characters.
Yall I feel like the girl has some internalised homophobia issues..idk why yall throwing hate at her for no reason...she is acting stupid but she is a fking kid she is bound to fuck up..why yall act like she is ultra homophobe 3000 or some shit like that