Didn’t work out in the end cause FL and ML pretty much forgave them instead of cutting them off. Not to mention Cliff got a happy ending and got to lead the territory in the end when he was in no way qualified. Sorry not sorry, but novel Edith was pretty much an enabler. Cliff literally killed innocent people, and because of her and her “forgiveness” (that she had no right to give in stead of other victims) he didn’t pay any consequences for it.

Don’t know yet. I didn’t really like the ending in the novel, Edith’s self-righteous character and Cliff having a happy ending. Also, the ML forgiving the neglect just like that. If manhwa changes that, then I would prefer it much over the novel. Novel made Edith a wanna-be-saint enabler, ruined the story for me. There’s limit to kindness, it was just absurd and frustrating
This is SO different than the novel. How will she pass her 3rd test then? Also, if we are changing it this much they better not give Cliff a happy ending anymore and make ML the duke instead.