It’s hard to say fully because there are gaps in time. and I’m also going off of what I was told a while ago by someone who read the novel, which I haven’t, that there were more encounters between the two of them in the book then in this. But yes he was putting in the puppy dog act for six months with only a few times of showing the cracks in his personality. Tae is perspective (but still a dummy) so those cracks still had weight with how he perceived him, but I think he still struggled with the dichotomy of those two personalities. I think mostly because he wants to believe the best in people

Oooo I agree! While Taeui does flex about his ability to see through people, that certainly isn‘t the case for Xinlu. Maybe it‘s cause of Xinlu‘s “cute and innocent” look and that Taeui really likes/liked him but yeah, it may also be the guilt because as we read in the manhwa he’s “the reason he (Xinlu) became miserable,” Taeui is just a very empathetic character which makes him easy to use/convince (examples are Xinlu and his uncle who persuaded him into joining UNHDRO)
I don't get taeui's bias over xinlu when that guy is just as rotten as ilay to the core, except that ilay is exposing it for the world to see, and even after knowing about xinlu's motive and everything taeui still wants to meet him just because xinlu is a "lovely boy." Man, can't really help but to agree that taeui has little to no inkling of seeing right through people. It frustrated me, after what xinlu's has done to him he still believes that he is a sWeEt-gUlLiBlE-bOy. I can't help but to be annoyed at taeiu in this matter (i still love him more though.)