Yeah, he says that his previous lover TURNED out to be bi and married, like you could have just said married- it is kinda implied that being bi is bad- according to the MC ofc. His ex was a cheater and he happens to be bi.
Biphobia is so prominent in BL mangas- it is always subtle for some reason but bold enough for you to notice!
My thoughts exactly! As a bit man I think it's actually kind of ironic that the gay community is even more prejudiced towards bi people than the straight girls I've been with.
Monogamy doesn't have anything to do with sexuality, the same goes for cheating and this MC is the perfect example: gay and didn't care if the ML was dating or not, he only felt a bit guilty after he met the girl.
For me, cheaters are trash.
MC complains about his previous lovers being cheaters but went to fuck ML no problem even though he was convinced he was dating the girl... I couldn't get into him since them.