I have a question...

TheChilliest October 21, 2024 9:41 pm

What does handsome smell like? This made me laugh but contemplate as well...(⌒▽⌒). At the beginning, I realize just how common child neglect/abuse is in ancient times being that there were no rules in regards to children's rights or welfare. The cycle of poor to non-existent role-models continues and the stupidity I find in illegitimacy often baffles me. I get that "word is law" to those who have power but these children have nothing to do with their birth, their moms may not have any say and most likely have no option for birth control, and why was it never considered that royal/nobel families who get educated need to know something about parenting or children-rearing if they're expected to have heirs, especially when they are so young and lacking in knowledge or affection themselves as children.
