First, whether I watch tons or not it's none of ur concern, if you don't like the way I speak that's a "you" problem, not a "me" Problem., if you can't handle it, ignore the comment and move on.
Second, I'm a reader, more then a watcher. I don't watch anime as much as I read, so kindly keep ur unwanted opinion to urself.
Thank you.

"Unwanted or wanted, It's my opinion i say whatever i want, who cares if it's unwanted, that doesn't bother me."
Is what I wanna say but like, my apologies though. Because I never meant to hate, I just found "naruhodo" to be extremely cringe and you should'nt be using japanese terms around people or so on, because they're gonna think you're some weirdo.That got me thinking that you're weird and by weird i think of those discord mods and judging by you're replies ig your normal so like i gotta apologize man.

Not everyone understand what "naruhodo" Means and even if they think I'm weird, that's up to them, I do not care. And "naruhodo" Is basically like "lmao" Or "lol" Or "rolf" To some who dont wanna sound overly serious, or simply think it's funny. Either ways it's nobodies concern when I use it or not. But thank you for ur warning and I wasn't gonna correct u.
Is there like another version of it this?