i swear it's just a way for authors to make it seem like characters have lots of depth ╥﹏╥ it happens but not the way manhwa portrays it^^ it's mostly household debt from expensive mortgages, deposits/jeonse. i think the debt we usually see comes from prestige and education standard. the whole loan-shark-will-find-you is really dated (▰˘◡˘▰)

It's true that they might have education loan but their country is rich and their pays are high. These writers might just want to write some drama and educate their reader about money maybe, since their society is all about wearing high-end brands and working hard to make their country become the top. They have USA as their standard afterall.

Hawon from “The foul” is 4 million won in debt.
Lee yoohan from Payback I believe his debt is 5 million
Yoohan worked 5 years to pay it back
Hawon sold himself and could only barely pass each deadline with his dead end job
Uke from the origin of species got 60 million from shoving 6 ice cubes in his asshole.
Uke from over the moon got 10 million by pouring a drink for some rich guy

they all start with like “im a poor student supporting myself/my entire family because my bum deadbeat father loaned billions for his gambling addiction and he put my name on the loan so now every friday night a group of gangsters come and play cornhole with my anus and a sharp rock but i met another gangster who is offering to get me out of my debt using the money he has accrued by scamming and torturing other poor students just like me ” so there’s genuinely no surprises in the plot possible at that point. maybe the only one with that storyline that gave me a run for my money was legs that wont walk because it was much grosser than the others usually are.

right like why not do a realistic debt story. show the bank repossess the lead’s car. show him complaining about the money automatically taken out of his paycheck. but sure, i’ll believe that these many people are taking millions of dollars from a guy in a leopard print shirt and a dragon tattoo on his neck.
i swear that every BL coming out recently is about some kind of debt. is it really that bad there rn.