This is where I’m currently at, I forgot which chapter you would start sorry it’ll be easier if you make an account

From where I’m at:
Before ML regains his memories, ML and MC fucked (really steamy imo) which caused MC to fall for ML even more. ML wanted to regain his memories faster so he decided to go to 30yrs ML’s place- where they fuck again. However after this time, ML woke up and became his usual self (30yrs ML) and caused MC to get scared bc he thinks current ML (20yr ML) is gonna forget and then they’re relationship is gonna just disappear. 20yrs ML soon regained consciousness and saw that MC is shaking and eventually MC tells 20yrs ML to act cold and stern like how 30yrs ML acts so MC can forget his feelings for 20yrs ML. 20yrs ML tries that it don’t work. They fuck again- this time causing them to imprint and then later, ML regains his memories, not knowing that they’re both imprinted. MC tries to find a way to un-imprint and the only ways are:
1) one of them has to imprint another guide/Esper of their rank or higher (they’re both S rank btw)
2) one of them will have to die
MC doesn’t want to die so he plans to imprint on another esper, luckily, ones one more S rank and the compatibility between them is pretty decent (I think 80% or somewhere around there)(MC and ML have a higher compatibility). ML and MC have dinner and MC asks ML if he remembers anything (having second doubts) and ML said that he doesn’t remember anything abt the time they spent together , they also talked abt them imprinting and ML said that he rather not be imprinted- causing MC to now actually having to follow through with his plan. He asks permission from ML (don’t ask why, he just has to) if he can go imprint another esper then, since he doesn’t want to die. ML says sure.
Now, MC has to go to Busan (another district) since that’s where the esper is, and is coming up with a plan to imprint with the other esper without saying that he needs to imprint on another esper. While that paper work and planning is forming, MC and ML have to move out of the place that they’re both staying at. MC found the sticky note that 20yrs ML wrote and ML saw that MC was staring at the sticky note so he snatched it out of MC hands and read the note to himself- making him throw the note away in the trash. MC and ML was about to leave the place until MC just ran back to get the sticky note, causing him to burst into tears and trying to run away leaving his things that were in boxes. Unfortunately, he got caught (very easily) and ML apologized for his actions. They later went to go get dinner.
The paper work to go to Busan is now completed and now MC is gonna go there for a month. Unfortunately again, that plan has been paused as ML followed MC to Busan and a lot of fluff happened- causing MC to think that ML actually does have feelings for him- only to when MC tried to make a move on ML, he was pushed away. Out of embarrassment MC tried to leave the place until he was caught again and communication occurred, causing them to fuck.
Some time has passed and now they basically can’t fuck or be with each other or else MC is gonna faint. MC eventually met the other esper- only to find out that he and ML are friends and that he doesn’t want to be imprinted. MC is quite happy since now he knows ML and his feelings for each other.
That’s where I’m at rn… I didn’t add all the details since it was too much, but that’s the gist as of rn.
For those saying that he’s faking amnesia… he’s not. Reading the novel has brought me to tears