I don’t even understand the point of takatora being an omega if he never actually experi...

blueninja89 October 20, 2024 11:21 pm

I don’t even understand the point of takatora being an omega if he never actually experiences what it means to be an omega in the proverbial sense. He cuts out his whom and still remains just as chauvinistic, entitled and selfish despite this “setback”. Yes he’s no longer on the highest pedestal but his disregard for others in all ways is just inherent it seems. It’s actually really hard to read this because he’s genuinely such an awful person in such a realistic way of someone who’s always had his way and maintains that mindset to the bitter end.

    saggisilver October 20, 2024 11:46 pm

    Are women who chose to get tubectomy still not women? There are women living in patriachial society who still treats women and lgbtq+ people even worse than how the omegas lives are portrayed here but but privileged or women who are unafraid to voice their opinions still exist there.
    Alphas try to act towards him the same way they do with other omegas but mc doesn't let himself gets treated like that because he still has his status, he's still sexualized and alphas behave disgustingly towards him. He got disinherited by his family too and he was literally raped as soon as he turned into an omega

    You need to stop looking at him as an alpha just because he prefers to top, his mindset might take a while for himself to realize he's also an omega rn and now the omegas are not just 'other kind' and leave his asshole ish thinking behind but at the end of the day he's also an omega. He hasn't done anything irredeemable yet.

    Galvaat October 21, 2024 12:24 am

    I mean he's Trans so....of course his behavior wouldn't change, he is and still sees himself as an alpha regardless of his body being an omega. HE EVEN REMOVED IS UTERUS of course he's not going to change he is what he is regardless of his body

    blueninja89 October 21, 2024 1:09 am
    Are women who chose to get tubectomy still not women? There are women living in patriachial society who still treats women and lgbtq+ people even worse than how the omegas lives are portrayed here but but privi... saggisilver

    It’s not the topping aspect nor it about his gender in reality that my post focuses on, and I believe you did not understand my post given I likely did not detail my issue and it comes across as general complaint of his current gender. Not once does my post negate his gender by “removing” a symbol of it from his personhood. I’m specifically talking about how he removed it so as to distance himself from said gender not out an alignment of his desired gender expression but out of as it’s been said multiple times by himself and others his feelings of superiority over a gender he doesn’t respect or at the time felt the need to humanize. It’s not exact 1:1 but it would the equivalent of a white racist man finding out he prides himself in his whiteness finding out a parent was Black and now have to come to terms their own blackness in both a social and cultural reckoning that could not simply be erased by by purse avoidance. For example what if this White racist then has a child and then is confronted by this reality if their child presented “Black” features as gene expression is a random gamble of what is already within us all.

    blueninja89 October 21, 2024 1:15 am
    It’s not the topping aspect nor it about his gender in reality that my post focuses on, and I believe you did not understand my post given I likely did not detail my issue and it comes across as general com... blueninja89

    A mention a black parent in this example because Black people in the United States which I am from and have cultural knowledge of given my own background in certain circumstances “passed” for whiteness when they could being ethnically ambiguous for survival and sometimes for even advancement in White America*. This reality did happen where people who could pride themselves in their superiority were tarnished in their own eyes due to at the time to US’s stance on blackness being a “one drop” rule of racial corruption.

    blueninja89 October 21, 2024 1:22 am
    I mean he's Trans so....of course his behavior wouldn't change, he is and still sees himself as an alpha regardless of his body being an omega. HE EVEN REMOVED IS UTERUS of course he's not going to change he i... Galvaat

    I completely understand the point of this story playing as an allegory for trans or gender identities in a fictional setting, and I have no issue nor would I denounce this story for it’s attempt at having this conversation. I have issue with Takatora essentially hating “the stand in female gender” and being made to be a woman so to speak and then still hating and thinking women are beneath him because ultimately his life of privilege has never made him have to humanize anyone outside of himself

    blueninja89 October 21, 2024 1:26 am
    Are women who chose to get tubectomy still not women? There are women living in patriachial society who still treats women and lgbtq+ people even worse than how the omegas lives are portrayed here but but privi... saggisilver

    All of the points you’re making still stand but this is not my point of contention with this story.

    Aura October 21, 2024 2:30 am
    I mean he's Trans so....of course his behavior wouldn't change, he is and still sees himself as an alpha regardless of his body being an omega. HE EVEN REMOVED IS UTERUS of course he's not going to change he i... Galvaat


    Hopeless_shipper October 21, 2024 3:37 am
    Stop Aura


    FockinWeeb October 21, 2024 3:58 am
    Stop Aura

    ur so fucking real for this its insane

    saggisilver October 21, 2024 5:31 am
    A mention a black parent in this example because Black people in the United States which I am from and have cultural knowledge of given my own background in certain circumstances “passed” for whiteness when... blueninja89

    I'm sorry but the race analogy does not fit as well here, wouldn't internalized homophobia work better? He was homophobic but realized he was gay and can't comes to terms with it and a mix of being trans male and still getting your period period every month and getting reminded of what you are and hating every single second of it. I said that about race because he's not half of anything, he's 100% like other omegas in society(there'll still be omegas there with money/status and with removed uterus) and he also has to face prejudice and discrimination every day and his biology working against him from his perspective now. The shock of it more similar to internalized homophobia is also because there's no plausible deniability and no point being indignant at others and finding the system of categorization unfair because he's what he's now. There's no denying that he's an omega.

    I think you're main point is that you can't get past his hateful alpha opinions, I find that aspect of his more forgivable as because of this same mindset I believe he has it harder than other omegas. He faces the same sexualization, rape and discrimination from family and strangers but he now also hates himself so much that he's trying to change himself to be something beyond his gender and he keeps forgetting that now he's also an omega but keeps getting reminded by society and betrayed by his gender. It must be painful for him.

    Every chapter he's warming up to the other omegas from him class and gaining new perspectives however mild, and I see his hate towards others as much as it's also his own hatred towards himself and his tubectomy as a form of self harm as much as it is also for his inconvenience. Ogawa hasn't drawn him truly distressed and in pain since the first chapter and seeing the way he's always amused and carefree so maybe that is why it is harder to see he's feeling and for some readers to connect with him.

    saggisilver October 21, 2024 5:35 am
    It’s not the topping aspect nor it about his gender in reality that my post focuses on, and I believe you did not understand my post given I likely did not detail my issue and it comes across as general com... blueninja89

    And from the new chapter you can see how disgusted he was when seeing that video of Arisaka in that alphas phone, Idk if chapter 1 Takatora would still have the same reaction but if not then that is already a massive character development.

    saggisilver October 21, 2024 5:39 am
    It’s not the topping aspect nor it about his gender in reality that my post focuses on, and I believe you did not understand my post given I likely did not detail my issue and it comes across as general com... blueninja89

    Might also be a preference thing as I'm loving to be able to read about a flawed mc for a change lol

    saggisilver October 21, 2024 5:49 am
    It’s not the topping aspect nor it about his gender in reality that my post focuses on, and I believe you did not understand my post given I likely did not detail my issue and it comes across as general com... blueninja89

    One of the main point of the manga is its allegory to feminism so more reason why racism doesn't fit as it's more about gender
    I'm just reading through the comments and some of them have good points haha

    Galvaat October 25, 2024 11:13 pm
    Stop Aura

    Stop what? Actually reading and understanding the manga? Lol whe have a whole LGBT + that Actually the T comes from what? Trans? Look up the definition dear
    If you can read Yaoi I think you should be pretty used to the definition unless you're the type that likes to read and sexualice and hates when they act different from what YOU want them to cuz it doesn't fit your fantasy if it wasn't omegaverse and it was a woman that viewed himself as a man and removed her uterus and acted like a man what would you call that? Use that brain for the love of god

    Galvaat October 25, 2024 11:13 pm
    ur so fucking real for this its insane FockinWeeb


    Hopeless_shipper October 26, 2024 10:15 am
    Stop what? Actually reading and understanding the manga? Lol whe have a whole LGBT + that Actually the T comes from what? Trans? Look up the definition dearIf you can read Yaoi I think you should be pretty used... Galvaat

    Girl pls this is obviously not a trans person issue.

    Galvaat October 27, 2024 6:39 am
    Girl pls this is obviously not a trans person issue. Hopeless_shipper

    Yeah I guess an omega that viewes, feels and acts as an alpha is not.
    Yet somehow omega/beta/alpha are genders

    Galvaat October 27, 2024 6:52 am
    I completely understand the point of this story playing as an allegory for trans or gender identities in a fictional setting, and I have no issue nor would I denounce this story for it’s attempt at having thi... blueninja89

    He is already changing, He's watching and experiencing what means to be an omega already, because guess what he's surrounded by them something he's not used to. The beach chapter is a clear example of him getting and starting to understand what means to ne an omega and how they see themselves.
    For example the blonde dude that just wanted to marry and not even finish his studies and the opposite the one with glases hating on everything they did because it's what omegas do and he believes he can't do much about it.
    You want HIM to be like that when is not his personality, he was raised as an alpha, he has cero empathy yet now he cares about his classroom mates and even fell in love.
    What the hell you mean he didn't change? He did a lot and adapted to the situation

    Just because you're used to omegas crying every single time something goes wrong doesn't mean it has to be like that......This is refreshing, a damn manga where alphas have becomed secondary characters and omegas actually evolve and behave like normal humans not the brain dead "forgive everyone, everything he's an alpha " brainless shit.
    Every character copy with their emotions the way the creator sees fit for the story....and thus is a good representation on how people react to advertisers, you can cry or do something about it.

    Galvaat October 27, 2024 6:53 am
    All of the points you’re making still stand but this is not my point of contention with this story. blueninja89

    Guess we agree in disagree then

    Hopeless_shipper October 27, 2024 9:42 am
    He is already changing, He's watching and experiencing what means to be an omega already, because guess what he's surrounded by them something he's not used to. The beach chapter is a clear example of him gett... Galvaat

    All this for some omega verse story is crazy