When there are two flawed characters it’s hard to take a side in this situation but when...

October 21, 2024 12:35 am

When there are two flawed characters it’s hard to take a side in this situation but when you take a step back you really can’t put the blame just on one person because, one Cirrus is the way he is because of his neglectful father, who barely gave his son attention mind you after his mother passed and until now creating this abandonment issue within Cirrus. This plays out with his clingy nature towards skylar and his somewhat controlling behavior but that does not justify the horrible things he has done, same goes with Skylar.

Skylar though he had also been traumatized with the situation dealing with his friend and the whole homophobia thing and with him having inner hatred, he’s still done horrible things to Cirrus. Hurting him with his words and just misunderstanding him like the rest. People need to also understand Skylar though his family is also unstable he still has his mother as a support system and his younger sister. Which is something Cirrus does not have, Mother gone, Father not present and multiple women who were suppose to be mother figures and had not stepped up to the role because they focused on their own desires. He only has his dog,who is now on the verge of dying.

So realistically, when reading this story putting a blame on one character without acknowledging what makes them act this way is just ignorant in itself.
