>Considering the relationship between Mr. Mask and Rika honjou. There's no way I can me...

morning April 6, 2017 12:04 pm

>Considering the relationship between Mr. Mask and Rika honjou. There's no way I can meddle in this issue
Yes girl. Yes!

Also what's going on with Rika? I guess he'll get brainwashed :/

    JauneGrassberry April 7, 2017 7:05 pm

    I'm afraid Aikawa made Rika his angel... ¬ _¬ Damn this Aikawa. ¬ _¬

    Carmelazation April 17, 2017 12:23 pm

    I thought his brain just melted down. He doesn't have the ability to become his apostle I think, which is why he's all 'goo goo ga ga' now.


    Maybe he's on cool down right now and will come back and beat every angel up like a demigod of awesomeness!