Honestly... I dont think the "nice" brother was ever a green flag. they just wanted you to...

Seke October 20, 2024 8:10 pm

Honestly... I dont think the "nice" brother was ever a green flag. they just wanted you to think as such. For there is being nice.... and tooo nice... ? like agenda/creepy level nice.. Its very convenient that he was out of town the night the village was razed and how the MCs mother who lived secluded wound up dead when several in the actual villagers came out alive? I think the "nice" brother handed the village over to the brother purposely. He knew the village treated the MC terribly.. and he wanted them gone.. and possibly the mother so he could ride in like a white knight and "Save" the MC.. for he knew the MC would always stay close to his mom. He knew all about his brothers tactics and such. I think he just used his brothers evil ways to his advantage. He just never expected his brother to take the prize he was hoping to get himself. They both share a possessive trait, they just tried to make it as one being a green flag and the other a red. we are just maybe now going to see nice guys truer personality come to light.... but thats just my opinion. i feel like im going to get hate for disliking the "nice" guy.

    artlover32 October 20, 2024 8:27 pm

    I said the same before

    And actually the fact the "red" flag is not hiding his twisted mind doesn't mean he can't be a green flag later on

    notthatgirl October 20, 2024 9:01 pm

    i already called this like.. look at the ghost nocturne or the plum blossom tree or painter of the night. the second dudes are always way too nice at first but they're often just too shitty. shitty enough they know how to mask it.

    LWT October 21, 2024 2:20 am

    After seeing this chapter, I was also thinking a same thing but seeing your comment soildified it. Somehow it's always the nicest people who are the worst in these stories, then if that's true, does it mean that that other guy's good?

    notthatgirl October 21, 2024 6:01 am
    After seeing this chapter, I was also thinking a same thing but seeing your comment soildified it. Somehow it's always the nicest people who are the worst in these stories, then if that's true, does it mean tha... LWT

    i wouldn't say he's good. though i am sure the ml has some kind of tragic past probs that turned him out like that or wtv he's still a rapist tho...

    Shyshy October 22, 2024 10:00 am

    I totally agree love, I can see the “green flag” brother doing that because it was weird how he left the village as soon as shit hit the fan and maybe Garon never killed his mother in the first place and it might’ve been the “green flag” brother doing, so he can have him to himself because I think he knew if he didn’t kill the mom the mc would’ve never batted an eye at him because he’s too busy taking care of his mother and since he knows about his mom that’s why I think it was him and I never heard of Garon bringing up his mom but I could be wrong and Garon did do it

    Shyshy October 22, 2024 10:02 am
    After seeing this chapter, I was also thinking a same thing but seeing your comment soildified it. Somehow it's always the nicest people who are the worst in these stories, then if that's true, does it mean tha... LWT

    Well you can’t really say Garon is good but if the story does show that the other brother is worst than him I guess we can say Garon isn’t evil but I can’t forgive him for treating the mc how he did