it’s fine-

Yow October 21, 2024 12:52 pm

I began reading this bc I see so many people saying that it’s good and stuff, but after reading, it was kind of all right. However, there are pros and cons.

I really liked the beginning and end of season one, but damn I feel really bad for Jun. Imagine getting rejected by the same guy after 10 years just to lift your hopes up and reject you once again is just…ouch. However, I liked the whole arc of Yoonseul chasing Jun’s love once more and the angst was chef’s kissed. Yoonseul’s decision of rejecting Jun again was a bit of an asshole move, but you get to see more why and letting him stand on the snow for 5 hours gave a bit satisfaction for me lol.

Now let’s go over to season two…wow- This was the part where everything went kind of downhill for me. Yes, I love that both of them are dating after all these years, but is it just me or do I sometimes find Yoonseul’s behavior kind of creepy and disturbing? Like that whole arc of him trying to piss off Dongha (the whole “love triangle arc”) and trying to have a beef with a person who is 7-8 YEARS YOUNGER THAN HIM feels a out of character from the Yoonseul we knew from season one. He should’ve just told him to back off and say that Jun is his boyfriend like a mature, decent person. AND JUN, SWEET OL’ JUN, immediately took Yoon’s side and left Dongha on the streets instead of talking them out properly. Yes, ik that Yoonseul’s his bf and he would obv take his side but he should’ve at least handled the situation better since he was the in the middle of both sides. And let’s not forget the Yoonseul’s overthinking arc abt thinking that Min’s bf (i forgot his name sorry) is trying to propose to Jun. Yes, it’s normal to overthink in relationships but you could’ve just asked Jun straighforward, aren’t relationships supposed to be abt communication and understanding? Idk man, ever since they started dating, those two factors suddenly felt wide and empty. But whatever, these two immature dumbheads deserve each other, they’re really meant to be.

Anyways, I haven’t read the side stories and I’m trying to finish it despite it’s alresdy losing my interest. For now I’m rating this 7/10. It’s not good, it’s not bad, just decent I guess.

    malt October 21, 2024 12:07 pm

    omg i 100% agree with you on this. this is exactly how i felt reading s2 bc i was so creeped out by yoonseul…. and it also jsut felt like straight porn for the better half of the second season ( ̄∇ ̄")

    sochi January 21, 2025 8:21 am

    Hi I enjoyed reading your analysis :)
    I agree with some of the stuff you said but I also feel like we’re being too harsh on younseoul? It’s a lack of communication from both of them not just him, plus didn’t dinghy already know that Jun had a bf? He was too pushy and boundaries needed to be placed. Although the situation could have been handled differently I do feel like it was an immature decision from both parties not just Yoonseoul. Anyways have a good day