Idk but i don't think she knows he's cheating and with her friend.. cause she heard him talking about the money and not anything else..
and she actually talked casually withouts second thought or anything with her friend when she asked for a job for that puppy look guy(i forget his name)
I think the next chapter is gonna be intense.. maybe he's gonna call her and she either gonna head back and leave puppy guy or ignore it
he might think she's asking for divorce cause that guy told her and sure they're gonna fight like why the divorce and he might make excuses like he's gonna slip and tell her himself lol or idk or try forcing himself or he's gonna get suspetios and not say a thing while try finding out or investigate things and actually sees her with puppy guy
Idk but i really liked how she's just determined to leave him and not care and just meeting that guy not just sitting around crying all the time or try wining him back or act stupid or something but at the same time why the hell is she's waiting for her father's approval she's an adult she should just leave him ! Tho it might be the way she grow up with but at this rate and the way her father isn't even willing to listen to her she's gonna ends up marrying that shit
When revenge is not her plan but she's doing it perfectly unintentional. Taeha is tasting his own medicine. I hope Taeha will see some hickey on her body.