I totally agree but I guess the thing is Dooshik was traumatised too & didn't get any treatment/acknowledgement for his trauma. He's focusing on healing Jooha but he himself needs healing too & since Jooha has amnesia Jooha can't even help Dooshik. So I can't totally blame Dooshik for being like that now

I think it’s mostly guilt? Like, the core problem wasn’t resolved, so in a way Jooha had to ‘die’ in order for them to ‘restart’. But the Jooha who suffered endlessly never got ‘salvation’. Even if he forgot, even if he never remembers, the one who needed to be saved no longer ‘exists’.
It’s like multiple timeline theory. Just because someone regresses doesn’t mean that the other timeline and those who were in it didn’t exist. They just have to suffer with the hell that ended that timeline, without the regressor.
I don’t think it’s necessarily selfish for Dooshik to want Jooha to remember, or more like, even though it is selfish he acknowledges it, and is being selfless by not pushing the issue with Jooha himself. You can’t help what you feel, but you can avoid pushing it onto the other person, which Dooshik has been doing. For better or for worse, he’s trying to move forward but it’s gotta be hard when he remembers everything and can’t let go of the past so easily. Especially knowing he couldn’t save Jooha in the end.
It's quite selfish of Dooshik to want Jooha to remember those painful memories. If he remembers how they met he will also remember the nights he was SA’d by those men, in his restaurant! He would never be able to smile, make friends, or move on with his life with that kind of burdening knowledge hanging in the back of his mind. Why has he not thought of the fact that his “amnesia” was most likely a CHOICE? I am sure it is the most free Jooha has ever felt since that bastard guy appeared and took his mother and autonomy away.
I get that Dooshik & Jooha’s initial relationship took a while to build but this is a chance for him to live a life worth living. Now that Jooha no longer cries pearls, he does not have to look over his shoulder anymore wondering who is going to exploit him next. Anyways, I don't want him to recall his past. Dooshik needs to create better memories with Jooha or move on if he can't.