Let me check my notes

Lil Mochi Cat October 20, 2024 2:56 pm

Blackmail ✓
Coercion ✓
Semi forced BDSM ✓
Mass Manipulation ✓
Imprisonment ✓
Obsessive Partner✓

Look, I'm all for fucked up stories, and this one is pretty fucked up I'm not gonna lie. It's not as fucked up as a lot of stories out there and it's definitely more tame than most yaoi stories. The art is fine, I couldn't draw it so I'm not one to speak on art styles. The storyline is... Okay, I guess. There were unresolved subplots, but it's like that sometimes, I'll get over that.

All and all, it's worth the read for the experience of reading it. The smut is nice to look at, their faces, not so much. I'll give it a 7/10, mainly because I wanna beat the father's ass... If I'm able to get around that, I'd give it a solid 8/10
