Its because Emiliano is the owner of the green medallion/pendant thing, and ML wants to gift it to Inés, but the shopkeeper won't sell it to him without the owner's (Emiliano) permission... If I'm remembering the spoilers right, he regained his memories from past life after meeting Emiliano, plus he already seemed to have recalled that one incident in the forest from her life as the crown princess, so looks like it won't be long before he regains his memories..
What is there to tweak out? He will say that he will divorce Ines bc he wonder if Ines still love the painter but then decided not to so nothing will happen. They stay together. Besides the painter isn't even her one true love and husband. It has always been Carcel. It'll just take him longer to find that out.
wait y’all im forgetting why does he want to meet emilio cause he thinks she has a secret man and thats emilio right? In this timeline