if you like this story that’s great for you i’m just sharing my opinion tbh the FACT that it’s a comedy and everything he does is meant to be ‘funny’ or lighthearted is kind of what throws me off because this stuff is serious and I just don’t like when stories treat it as if it’s not serious. I genuinely don’t like most popular bls for this reason it’s just not something I like. I agree though if you read this from the start without really thinking deeply about it or viewing it as a sitcom it can be a good read. But if you’re like me and don’t like it when stories do the above or are sensitive to those topics i wouldn’t read from the start.
Looking at the comments jaehyuk gets character development but i’m on chapter 31 and I actually can’t deal with this man anymore. Why did the author make such a hate-able character. I can enjoy a story where the mc/ml gets character development and actually changes but were 30 chapters in and I feel like he hasn’t changed at all this guy is just straight up homophobic and also a rapist. It made me sick to my stomach when he started having sex with garam WHILE HES UNCONSCIOUS. that was my last straw because what??? not to mention that even before this he was pressuring garam into having sex when he clearly said no (that’s rape guys that’s rape) he’s also just childish and immature. I genuinely don’t understand why rape has to be so normalised in bls you can make a good story without including that stuff