I’m two chapters in and I had to check that I didn’t accidentally click on like chapte...

Bara Bitch October 19, 2024 3:50 pm

I’m two chapters in and I had to check that I didn’t accidentally click on like chapter 15 or something. There was no proper introduction to the main characters. It was just odd.

    Storyqueen-ssi October 22, 2024 7:34 pm

    Well prepare yourself for a rollercoaster ride of IDK WTF is going on. And then be like "Okay. I think I'm getting it now....nope! Scratch that. I still dont get it" to "Oh, it's becoming clear....yeah, no. Still confused....

    Your Resident Bisexual October 24, 2024 9:08 am
    Well prepare yourself for a rollercoaster ride of IDK WTF is going on. And then be like "Okay. I think I'm getting it now....nope! Scratch that. I still dont get it" to "Oh, it's becoming clear....yeah, no. Sti... Storyqueen-ssi

    You just described exactly what I'm going through and I'm just on chapter 8. I came to the comments thinking maybe I'm just slow and to find a not so slow person to explain to me what the fuck is going on turns out everyone is just as confused and I'm not slow

    Storyqueen-ssi October 25, 2024 1:16 am

    Hahahaha! Well at least it's so confusing that it makes you keep reading and wanting to find out WTF is going on. I guess eventually it will come to a moment we all go " OH!! So that's what is going on.!" If not then someone please smack me so I regain some intelligence to comprehend what happened lol