Istg every chapter gives me anxiety. Where will this story head towards tho, i m so curiou...

Laibali October 19, 2024 4:46 am

Istg every chapter gives me anxiety. Where will this story head towards tho, i m so curious? Will she leave her ex, will ex ever get karma, how can she date the new? That guys family wont ever allow it. Does the new guy even love her? Bcz i think he just feels curious about her faithful unending love for her husband. I think he wants to have something like that. I think he is having an experiment of his own to prove or find something. Idk i just dont see any happy ending with all the circumstances and the gloomy atmosphere. And i cant believe that someone can fall in love with someone so gloomy like the fl for no particular reason. Its hard to put faith in this new guy.
