Thank you!

Well, the first one which came to my mind was Mods by Natsume Kazuki.
To say it shortly: it's about a male prostitute (in this story the uke) and his new
bodyguard (the seme) who starts to develop feelings for him (for uke). Over time,
the reader gets to know to sad past of the male prostitute. So, this manga is really, and I mean REALLY emotional, thrilling but at the same time so heartwarming. (You should definitely try it out, if you already haven't).
The next one has basically a ''cute'' concept, but the uke was bullied because of his sexual orientation. The seme kind of helps him to get over it.
This one is also great (actually, all works from Ogeretsu Tanaka are masterpieces :D).
So, the seme (who previously was straight if I'm remembering right) falls in love with uke (who was also bullied during his school time). And yeah, they go through struggles to kind of accept their feeling to each other. This manga is really one of the most realistic ''yaoi'' mangas I have ever read. Well, at least I think so. It doesn't just show a ''white and fluffy'' relationship which starts out of nowhere... I'm talking too much, just read it and you will find out :DD
So, the next one is great, too. I think, I have never cried soooo much over a manga. Check it out! (maybe you already know it)
And finally: this one is really funny and cute. In the past, the uke was bullied after he confessed to his crush (╥_╥)
I hope, I could help you somehow ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

I forgot the link for the last one (I'm sooorry....):

I forgot the link for the last one (I'm sooorry...)

Thank you so much! I've heard about most of these mangas, but I read only few of them. But after reading such great reviews, I'll definitely check them out!

Thank you very much! It looks great!
Is there a yaoi manga with depressed or heartbroken uke who meets seme that makes love to him to help him forget about the pain? A sad but sweet story? Is there something like that?