Do you have any ship/otp who are real people like human flesh? I have one (well more than ...

anonymous April 5, 2017 3:04 pm

Do you have any ship/otp who are real people like human flesh? I have one (well more than one tbh) it's really wonderful. The 'uke' is reallyyy cute, seriously adorable! He's not good with words so he often babbling incoherent things but it's cute, and he got shy when people praises him, and he can't drink alcohol (really low alcohol tolerance) so he drinks fruit juices or coke instead while the others drink alcohol. And there's the 'seme' always looking at the uke like he's the cutest thing in the world (well he is), likes to tease the uke till he blush uncontrollably, when the uke want or need something from him he always asked the uke to act cute to him first, and hes really reallyyy possessive towards the uke. He always wrap his hand around the uke's waist everywhere, but seems like the uke didn't quite noticed it/? He's really too innocent ;-;
I'm having a really amazing fangirl life right now so I just kind of wanted toshare it, if it's okay/? Thanks for reading o(〃^▽^〃)o

    Anonymous April 5, 2017 3:08 pm

    is it celebrity or the people around u like ur classmate cause omo └(^o^)┘

    zephyr4 April 5, 2017 3:12 pm

    Nothing like that for me ┗( T﹏T )┛
    I'm in an all girls uni, I haven't seen boys like for ages..

    Daisukisports April 5, 2017 3:15 pm

    Too good to be real tho. I bet it's fun to see whenever they interact.

    anonymous April 5, 2017 3:41 pm
    is it celebrity or the people around u like ur classmate cause omo └(^o^)┘ @Anonymous

    It's celebrities! This is just how I viewed them, hopefully my eyes still functioning well so I see it right lol. But whether you ship them or not their fans (not otp fans) sees them like that as well, bc they really adore each other a lot ^^

    anonymous April 5, 2017 3:46 pm
    Too good to be real tho. I bet it's fun to see whenever they interact. Daisukisports

    Yeah, I can't believe they're real either, but they're real *sigh dreamily*

    anonymous April 5, 2017 3:55 pm

    This one is celebrities! But I also have another one who's not (they're my classmates lol). 2 of my male classmates knows that I'm a fujoshi so they feed my yaoi fantasies well lol such good friends they are XD

    Anonymous April 5, 2017 4:47 pm

    I'm just going to say 2 things;
    1- Don't be fooled by outside appearances. Most of the celebs acts the way their PR wants to.
    2- Shipping someone in real life could lead up to really uncomfortable situations, one of my friends doesn't even speak to her ex-bestie because of it.

    yasuha April 5, 2017 5:02 pm

    I wouldn´t call me a fujoshi, but your story was really cute (=・ω・=)

    My gay coworker is driven to work every day by his husband and sometimes they pick me up on the way. And every time before my coworker is getting out of the car, they do a goodbye kiss. Every time. So cute :3