Erm why r u calling her annoying? She's a teen, possibly a teen who's in crisis of her own sexuality. It's been hinted that she may be queer just like him and may have seen/heard some stuff from her old school which made her think same sex relationships aren't normal, why blame a kid when society made her think that way?

Just because she's young doesn't mean doing this is not annoying. We might understand from her pov but how about you put yourself in their shoes then. Being told the whole village tryna find you a partner when you already have one. Wouldn't that pained you? Whatever she THINKS is right it does make people annoyed

Does the village know he even has a current partner? And it already seems like a daily occurrence for Haeboom, lmfao. But seriously, didn't even find her actions annoying but only felt bad cause if seemed like she went/witnessed homophobia and it just seems like a poor act of help which obviously doesn't. Haeboom and Ho aren't that immature

You are the only who is talking about her being a lez. Is that in the raws?? And even if it is, it doesn't justify a 16yr.old (who is old enough to have her own family in her culture) poking her nose in someone else's business, esp of someone who is 20yrs older than her and basically her uncle. The FIRST things kids learn in a conversative society is to stay out of adult business.
I am same age as Haebom, in more or less the same situation, and I have a niece that girl's age. If my niece ever told me to get married or started enrolling me in marriage bureau, I would be the first to get her to take a hike. Because I am an ELDER and my life is none of her business.
Whether my adults and peers know my sexuality or not, a child who was born after I was already an adult with a life needs to stay in her lane.

Sorry unc/aunt, I just got the feeling it's hinted to her being queer cause of how similarly she acts w a friend (queer) I have and their thoughts I just dislike it whenever people act like what og poster said over kids being kids and doing what they do just cause of what society implemented on them

Again. 16yr old is not a child. I will be the first to defend her ignorance because I have been there, like I said. Her being upset that her "uncle" Haebom is with kissing a man is understood, her being confused is understood, her thinking it's wrong and bad is understood (because she has been taught that way), but inserting herself into her uncle's relationship issues isn't understood bécause she is old enough to know better and mind her own business.
"Making Ho/Haebom happy" is not her business. They are adults who can take care of themselves. If I was Haebom, depending on my mood, I would be pissed (because I have gone through that song and dance before and I'm sick of it) or think it's downright hilarious because I still got it ┗( T﹏T )┛
Haeboom is soo in love and thinking of a future with ho and baby unknown and here this annoying girl being so nosy and meddling in their business ugh! Can you please stop and let them be happy !!