No, it was the worst since the OG princess was talking down to him amounting his value to just sex that she didn’t realize since she just saw him to have the same personality as a rock. It went from tender, to sweet, to steamy to frozen bath in moments. I haven’t disagreed with much she’s done, and it may be because he’s sworn absolute loyalty to the royal family and he may be conflicted with knowledge that there are 2…that’s why she didn’t tell him. But all her partners “need” to know the full story in a way that they understand, she’s told parts or a good amount to the others. It’s always better to hear her side from her mouth while it’s her’s than to continue having disturbing moments filled with lies and re-triggers.
I legit just saw the bitch appear and was like nope... Jumped over it, no not gonna read it. Will come back in a like 5 chapters