SPOILER - ish?

Sonny07 October 17, 2024 2:10 am

Brooo, did they skip out some stuff?

They didn't show her being sick, having fevers for a few days where she couldn't get out of bed after escaping and laying low. She ate some soup during the few days of having fevers at the inn and was holding a warm potato while sitting on bench by the train trail while its snowing after a few days of having fevers. She even missed a few ride to other towns and all because she couldn't make a decision to go or to stay.

Her face was so swollen and she was limping when she finally decided she wanted to get caught.

    Sonny07 October 16, 2024 8:16 pm

    Also, Killeon had some beards due to searching for a week for Edith. Yes. 1 week of search.

    bergie October 16, 2024 11:37 pm

    for reallllll this is kinda pissing me off. i was so excited to read that part of the story, to actually feel her emotions in drawing but they skipped it

    Qwerty20 October 17, 2024 3:25 am

    Thank god I read the novel