The artstyle is definitely ain't it but it's bearable.. Still grateful that Isaac and Felix is back, after all the artist did some shit and I was a witness of that abhorrent abomination
- Just finished reading the latest chapter, I gotta say it really isn't that bad. Isaac just got a liiitle twinkified so I'm definitely skipping the sex parts, they're freaky
huh, I thought the new version was actually buffier than the previous one. Isaac's design before was more of a lean-athletic body type, now it's more gym-rat (not bodybuilder) buff body type. it's probably the face coz the new one has him looking all soft edged, like a lot of uke design nowadays.
Author drew child porn. One time I actually saw one which includes a BABY, an INFANT, and a ADULT MALE. Buddy, that's a baby..! And the fact that the adult male is a real human, a kpop celebrity, too..
The artstyle is definitely ain't it but it's bearable.. Still grateful that Isaac and Felix is back, after all the artist did some shit and I was a witness of that abhorrent abomination
- Just finished reading the latest chapter, I gotta say it really isn't that bad. Isaac just got a liiitle twinkified so I'm definitely skipping the sex parts, they're freaky