i think you guys dont understand what a green flag is to be honest? green flag doesn’t mean puppy character who is endlessly perfect, always does the right thing, and is a doormat for their lover. essentially what makes a character a green flag is the safeness they provide to their lover and if they are overall a good person to them and others. if at the end of the day the ml/fl is respectful, communicates, is committed, and always gives their effort in the relationship- they are a green flag
green flags can have flaws! it makes them human and complex… if they didn’t have anything wrong with them they’d be stale, one dimensional characters. green flags can be selfish, annoying, and manipulative as long as it comes with the earlier traits. it might come as a shock to people but green flags don’t = never does bad stuff ever
i think you guys dont understand what a green flag is to be honest? green flag doesn’t mean puppy character who is endlessly perfect, always does the right thing, and is a doormat for their lover. essentially what makes a character a green flag is the safeness they provide to their lover and if they are overall a good person to them and others. if at the end of the day the ml/fl is respectful, communicates, is committed, and always gives their effort in the relationship- they are a green flag
green flags can have flaws! it makes them human and complex… if they didn’t have anything wrong with them they’d be stale, one dimensional characters. green flags can be selfish, annoying, and manipulative as long as it comes with the earlier traits. it might come as a shock to people but green flags don’t = never does bad stuff ever