The art style is really pretty and consistent so this would be so amazing if it went longer and more fleshed out. Like if it expanded more on ML's family and how it affects his thought process especially if he takes what his sister says to heart or more thought on how he worsens the miscommunication between them by being very secretive. I honestly think the angst would go so well but still balance with the lightheartdness and comedy. The side story of him being in the military is also a great plot device for them to work on their communication and testing their bond. I also like how there isn't a third party to test that.
The art style is really pretty and consistent so this would be so amazing if it went longer and more fleshed out. Like if it expanded more on ML's family and how it affects his thought process especially if he takes what his sister says to heart or more thought on how he worsens the miscommunication between them by being very secretive. I honestly think the angst would go so well but still balance with the lightheartdness and comedy. The side story of him being in the military is also a great plot device for them to work on their communication and testing their bond. I also like how there isn't a third party to test that.