omg inseob pisses me off so bad like BITCH STAND UP AND GET ANGRY FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE woo-yeon is also shit but at least he’s interesting. atp i’m just reading bc i’m too far in to quit now and i’m curious if we’ll ever get actual development
REAL LIKE MAN COME UP FYM YOU ‘LIKE’ HIM? I’m still reading this cause I want to see woo-yeon get some sort of karma and yo see what kinda mental problem he has
It depends on what you're expecting. Wooyeon will never be normal and not toxic. His personality disorder prevents that. Inseob will always have a soft spot for him and will always come back. It's the hurdles they face that cause the later arcs.
omg inseob pisses me off so bad like BITCH STAND UP AND GET ANGRY FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE woo-yeon is also shit but at least he’s interesting. atp i’m just reading bc i’m too far in to quit now and i’m curious if we’ll ever get actual development