why did it have to end.

Apolo October 15, 2024 2:39 pm

it's one of those that could have gone on and on and I wouldn't mind. just reread it after some years and I can say that I understand why it was on my favorites list ahahah.
it's very adorable, and the characters are all really well written,,
hmm I guess there's just two things that made me go like "damn, really,," (they're not bad btw !). one is that, there's a lot of little time skips and such in the story making some interactions that I really wanted to see, not happen,, such as game shows, interviews, more concerts (and other more personal situations),, I understand they weren't needed but,, I still wanted to see them
the other one is in regards of the ending! I think it's really cute and love them a lot (they could talk about adoption being an option too, but whatever),, however, a last chapter, where everyone appeared? like one of those massive shows with multiple groups, or even an award ceremony? so we could see them all interacting together "one last time", and maybe add some appearances of characters that just disappeared completely (which like- I understand the twins weren't important anymore but c'mon,,,) ,,,
oh- just to add,, I think not knowing their future is fine,, even though I wanted to see more,,, but imagine a huge timeskip, where they're old and wrinkly and happy
