You know its really weird because i get what you mean. But i actually like the flow of the dialogue and dont find it off putting. Like you said people dont really talk like that but now you got me thinking and I've realized that im currently around people who do talk like this and its actually quite refreshing. For mw this way of talking is normal (at least with my friends my parents could never lmao) but for you its a little off. Weird how different experiences can influence the way a story is translated for someone.

Yeah, I've never really been around people who spell out what they are thinking and feeling quite like our main characters do. It almost feels like the writer doesn't trust us to understand their feelings and wrote it out exactly how it is so there was no room for interpretation or even slight misunderstanding. Just feels weird for them to use such exact language all the time. The same things can be communicated with different wording
Something has always felt off about the dialogue in this comic and I had a hard time putting my finger in it. I figured it out a few chapters ago and have observed to make sure. They are far too direct with their feelings when talking to each other. I know they want to communicate with each other well, but people just don’t talk like that most of the time. It’s just a bit off putting and pulls me out of the story since it’s so unnatural. Don’t get me wrong, I still really like this, but it just bothers me. Anyone else notice this?