i feel that its a traditional mindset to abide to abstinence as its not very common now, as for the cheating towards the end luca starts to feel jealous when he saw makoto with aya so i think when he said hes polygamous its within the context that his current partner would consent and be fine with another partner in a relationship ykwim!

As a person from Kenya they failed to differentiate between being polygamous and cheating, polamory is practiced by most tribes here and the first wife usually consents to bringing in a second one and even if they don't it's not considered cheating due to the tradition and prior knowledge that the person theyre marrying follows the practice. It's cheating when the person is monogamous or claims to be so but still sees other people, I hope this gave some clarification (=・ω・=)
re-reading this now, and I just noticed how they mentioned that cheating is not a big deal in a polygamous country.... but I think it is wrong tho, right? i hope someone would clarify this cuz I'm not sure as well.... but cheating is still cheating, whether is it or it is not in a polygamous marriage... you still need to be married before u do the deed....