Help me find this manga please

cupcake567 April 4, 2017 9:42 am

In the manga theres a guy and hes really fast at using a sword and then he meets another guy thats smaller than him and the smaller one is hunting all these flying dolls. Later on in the manga or the first chapter the one with the sword helps out the small guy to kill all the dolls. Somewhere near the end I think the one with the swords meets other people who are trying to kill the dolls were dolls :L sorry if that doesnt really make sense ;-;

    Your name :p April 4, 2017 11:08 am

    It's replica by karakara kemuri

    cupcake567 April 4, 2017 7:21 pm

    Omg thank you so much, I have been looking for it forever :,,D