okay I remember enjoying this manga but it was kinda a long time ago and it’s absolutely...

guiltkills October 14, 2024 8:47 am

okay I remember enjoying this manga but it was kinda a long time ago and it’s absolutely killing me that I can’t remember it. It’s a older yaoi manga (90s I think) and I can’t really remember a lot about the main couple other than that one of them is a leader of a gang (i think he drives a motorcycle if that helps idk) and the other one is more of the shy obedient type, I remember there’s this train scene where shy boy gets jumped and tied to a train track and I’m pretty sure gang leader saves him. I also remember one of the side characters was a girl that liked shy boy but was sa’d by leader dudes gang members (?) and cut her hair really short after and started to act like a tomboy, also I think the couple met under a bridge, thats all I remember someone please help im so desperate
