Not communicate his feelings…
Which is very essential for a relationship
( i still dont understand how he thought leo was supposed to know how he was feeling if he never communicated how he felt but w.e)
Now im not saying leo is so innocent either
He was definitely immature nd a bad bf
However lets not not hold jj accountable for his actions either
Both of them was in the wrong.

What was there for J.J to communicate? Leo’s inability to treat J.J as a person with his own thoughts and feelings doesn’t seem like a problem J.J needed to go out of his way to fix. You shouldn’t have to ask your S.O. for bare minimum treatment. As a person who cares for someone that should come a bit more naturally. Also, how was J.J supposed to communicate with someone who simply ignored him or did not listen. I think you need to stop babying Leo and see him as the adult he is with faults that he had to face consequences for.

Um im not babying leo at all
And i do see him as adult
I think u should do the same for jj
Cause it seems like u are babying him considering u cant hold him accountable for his actions.
are we gonna ignore the time where leo has asked jj how he felt but jj simply walks off or doesnt say anything…so how is that him trying???
Ofc u shouldnt ask ur partner for the bare minimum( this is why im holding accountable leo for his actions for being immature ) but if something that is happening consistently is bothering you
Maybe u should speak up on it.
Which he didn't do for the amount of time they were in that relationship ( which its a miracle that their relationship even lasted so long)
How do u be in a relationship with someone for so long but can’t communicate when your spouse is doing something you dont like or is making you uncomfortable ??? Please make it make sense.
Last time i checked leo wasnt a mind reader.
Also the rape scene……
I feel like it’s inexcusable even if leo used him as a “ human dildo”
He was very immature and a bad bf.
He shouldve treated jj properly and better as a bf
And im glad that he noticed his actions and how it made his spouse feel / is willing to fix it so they both can grow
Im glad both of them was able to have a PROPER CONVERSATION and was able to communicate
Leo was such a bad boyfriend lmao, the bitch hss been so dramatic about J.J leaving him and it was all his fault. I hope he keeps his word now lol