Whattt! How? Between the deranged dynamic and complete lack of respect and consent…where do they remind us of the most wholesome couple?? ( ̄∇ ̄") QuinnCutie
Umm. Away from the lack of respect and consent. It’s more like the dynamic. Tho hua cheng never hurt xie lian. He is a very not normal kid and he was traumatized AND obsessed with xie lian. Same as with hee seo. And xie lian is being always reliant with him and pampering him ( even if he is kinda doing something wrong or sly ) so i can see the resemblance.
Whattt! How? Between the deranged dynamic and complete lack of respect and consent…where do they remind us of the most wholesome couple?? ( ̄∇ ̄") QuinnCutie
Umm. Away from the lack of respect and consent. It’s more like the dynamic. Tho hua cheng never hurt xie lian. He is a very abnormal kid and he was traumatized AND obsessed with xie lian. Same as with hee seo. And xie lian is being always reliant with him and pampering him ( even if he is kinda doing something wrong or sly ) so i can see the resemblance.
Umm. Away from the lack of respect and consent. It’s more like the dynamic. Tho hua cheng never hurt xie lian. He is a very abnormal kid and he was traumatized AND obsessed with xie lian. Same as with hee seo... Sho-chan