Idk anymore

LuoBingpup October 13, 2024 4:27 pm

I really want to like this story I think the memory loss is such a unique element that ties together the soul mate trope and I’ve read the whole thing up to now I’ve been reading it since the first chapter dropped but I seriously hate that there’s a weird age gap between them or at least their was in the previous life I just hate the aspect of the bottom or whatever always being the saving grace for the younger top or the person who raised them or taught them how to be themselves like it just feels super creepy and off putting like I’m not tryna be a hater I just think that hyo-un being a dragon his first form as a human could have been fully developed and if they wanted to play the trope of him not understanding or being innocent it would have played out easier in the long run and not made taehyuk seem like a weird pervert (he kinda is) and I personally liked the modern taehyuk over the past one like I liked that he was bold and sassy cause he saw hyo-un as someone on the same level as him where as his past self just wasn’t the same for obvious reasons and we kind of loose that because hyo-un is so obsessed with the past taehyuk even tho we see him fall in love with the current version of him. Idk it makes me sad cause there were many opportunities for this to be a great story I still think it’s good. But I just can’t get past the off putting ness of it

    Mih October 13, 2024 5:01 pm

    It’s the same for me, I feel you, friend

    ayanami October 13, 2024 6:37 pm

    yeah it also weirded me out how past taehyuk was basically a father figure then turned lover their dynamic is more master and pet, or parent and child, its pretty creepy (for me personally)

    but they did also say that hyo-un's dragon ass was underdeveloped bc the river he was born from was practically dying. my guy didnt know what or who he is so he copied the form of wtvr first thing he saw, which happened to be a human child. and he just rolled with it even believing he was human himself for a while

    i do agree on the modern plot and characters being WAY better tho, the story before the realization was honestly more interesting and likeable. i dared to even hope that taehyuk wasnt his mate bc that would mean character development for hyo-un by finding new love and getting over his trauma. to finally give them that equal footing as a main couple.

    that jesus christ humongous power imbalance between the two bc hyo-un practically worships taehyuk due to him raising him in their past is the final wall that keeps me from completely liking the story i get ya 100%