I feel like both are somewhat in the wrong here honestly, Maxi shouldn't be participating ...

kaz October 13, 2024 10:39 am

I feel like both are somewhat in the wrong here honestly, Maxi shouldn't be participating in such a dangerous mission with literally 0 knowledge like I feel like she wanted to prove her worth to such an extent that she disregarded the severity of the journey, she's sheltered and naive but hear me out she's ALWAYS been like that. she can't just suddenly wake up one day and know everything about the world, and I value her desire to actually want to grow and change bro she's the only person who's developed in this relationship and it's been 100 chapters so I don't wanna hear anyone trying to drag her ass. riftan should've been the one to communicate to her that sure he supports her wanting to go on a mission and gain experience bla bla but that she should WAIT until they go on a lighter mission. one where she won't get killed, and where someone can actually guide and educate her. riftan is more in the wrong here honestly but what do we expect he's a short-tempered, possessive asshole with severe anger and communication issues and he hasn't changed at all since the beginning of this manhwa

    tikitiki October 14, 2024 12:21 am

    Duh but she's sheltered and naive, so she doesn't know that. Honestly I think the point of all of this is communication. Riftan has a very good point, but he's do damn aggressive and possessive that it gets completely lost. So she doesn't listen to him. She also knows how he sees her, but instead of simply communicating how that's not entirely true. She's trying to forcefully change the way he views her. But I'm still on her side at the end of the day because she is also trying to change the way she views herself. He definitely could have resolved this tho by saying she could come on the next expedition after some proper training. Because yeah bringing someone with absolutely no outdoor experience, even like camping. On a monster hunting expedition is insane.

    iiom October 14, 2024 12:21 am


    tikitiki October 14, 2024 12:25 am

    Omg wait you kinda said that my bad