Exactly! Like it's just too easy not regrets not thinking twice not even admitting he done things wrong
He's just skipping from one girl to another til he finds one amusing or just giving him some attention..
He's disgusting tbh and now I'm glad Tommy left ..
We needed to see some actual regrets! Some things about him actually admitting he's at fault for ruining things with Tommy and even with the girls he dated before ..
All we Heard was him nagging about not having a healthy relationship and playing the victim and blaming it on others when he's the one who refused to have one and ruined it whenever he was close to having one by going back to that chishit whenever she looked his way and not even getting back with her just fucking and letting her goes back to her bf
All we got was him regretting a threesome .. not even a proper apologize to Tommy or some thoughts or regrets for hurting her! And then going back to his usual life of fucking around
And i bet even now if chishit get back even with her husband in the pic he would still run to her ..
I could accept him starting over at least if he really wanted to and tried to ! Getting a hair cut and going to therapy and not admitting his faults and still doing the same shit isn't healing..
Isn't improving.. he even slept with his previous doctor!
It's like like I don't want him to find happiness, but I HATE that it is so easy for Keith to seduce women and they keep falling for him without fail. Like it's no wonder he became like that. Everything is so easy for him