I kinda think the bottoms action does kinda make sense....from his POV it's more like the top decided to tell the bottom he loves him after he got to know that bottom was bullied.....I think it was already stated that bottom thinks top is really kind and all....so he thinks bcz the top is kind he is professing when he feels sorry....just my thinking though

I get that, this therefore makes the bottom think that the top's "realized feelings" are somewhat insincere and more leaning to pity than genuineness. In addition, I do feel like after all the bottoms been through, it'd make sense for him to be like *no no* to the top proceedings to date the bottom. Considering, 1 he's touch deprived lol, but mainly 2, he's never been capable of lasting on a relationship or he's a complete newbie. In psychology, technically they say that as much as humans are curious beings it doesn't mean that ppl aren't scared to venture around the unknown. Well, that's what I'm getting from my perspective.
Unfortunately I've lost all good feelings from this pairing. The bottom being obsessed and whatnot suddenly turning into "no you don't" didn't come off as insecurity, because where has that been before? He was ready to sleep with him, but he can't accept that he likes him? Bad writing. I might drop or let it marinate, because it's NOT "giggle and kick my feet cute" for me to watch this top struggle with a bottom who acts like mentally challenged child, not a traumatized adult. If you disagree that's fine, don't come at me lol