Uke was still tied up and he was about to eat when he found a small blade in his fish. My korean is not good but I think he misunderstood as the seme telling him to OFF himself so he sl!t his wrist. The guy working for the seme told him, he rushed to go see the uke with a worried face and brought him to the hospital then when the seme wanted to leave the room the grandma came and stabbed him

alright, just keep in mind I read it w google translate so there's parts I didn't quite get.
also, this'll be long.
basically some bitch orchestrates a plan to frame MC as a spy.
ML and his men are celebrating something and call some prostitutes, including the girl we see w MC the first chapters, but something goes wrong and the girls try to kill ML and his men, and they end up leaving once one of them has to go to the hospital (honestly, not sure if that's the reason, but the important part is that they leave).
ML starts having doubts about MC as he remembers that he was close w one of the girls who attacked them.
then the woman to devised the plan sets MC up to leave the estate while the ML is away by having someone try to kill him.
so MC runs away but gets exhausted bc of his bad leg and just general tiredness so he falls asleep outside, and return to the estate the following day.
and here's when ML changes, basically ML takes the fact that MC left at such a suspicious time as proof that he's a spy, that he's part of the people who're against him, and he hits MC while they argue.
he then proceeds to lock him up and rape him.
then there's basically 10 chapters of MC withering away as ML keeps raping and drugging him, while he's literally chained up and can't leave the room, doesn't interact w anyone aside from ML.
MC becomes an addict as he, obviously, becomes addicted to the drugs MC forces him to take, and he slowly loses the will to live. his only escape is a tapestry depicting some waves on the wall of the room, but ML burns it after MC says what it means to him.
MC is devastated as ML burns the tapestry, and he screams that he hates ML and will always hate him (maybe he also says he'll hate him even in the next life, and that he wishes he was dead/he want to kill him, but tbh I don't remember. point is, it's pretty obvious how much he hates him.).
fast forward to some time later, we see the old woman who cooks for the estate again, after she went missing (probably kidnapped but idk), and she says something about MC's soul being all over ML? or something like that? point is, she knows ML did something really fucking bad to MC, and she starts freaking out and asking what he did and accusing him of killing MC.
she's adamant that MC is a good boy, and would never do anything bad, and that he truly and genuinely liked ML (which is all true), and although ML doesn't really react or admits to anything, we see him starting to have doubts. mind you, the grandma talks for a LONG time.
I don't remember how, I think it was the old woman who told the ML, but they find out it was some other woman who orchestrated the entire thing and framed MC, so now ML goes to talk to her to find out the truth.
they talk, and the woman admits to everything, telling him all she did and repeating many, many times that MC was completely innocent and didn't know anything. like, it's actually painful how many times she says it.
so yeah and then she says that a knife will be delivered to the estate, implying that it's for MC, and ML runs back to the estate.
meanwhile, MC found the knife hidden in his food, and slits his wrists to kill himself. MC and his men find him, bring him to a hospital, and the latest chapter I read has MC in a hospital bed, intubed and sleeping, while ML sits beside him.
so yeah that's it. ML does seems to really fucking regret it, and does get the gravity of his actions (he is devastated and guilty, as he should be) so I don't think he'll hurt MC again, but honestly idk how they'll have a happy ending. I mean, I'm sure they will cause this is a bl and they always do, but ML fucked MC up really fucking bad and MC really hates him, so I'm expecting and hoping for at least a very, very long redemption arc.
for anyone wondering: chapter 30 is when things start to go bad, chapter 44 is when ml finds out the truth and stops hurting mc, but idk what happens after cause that's the latest chapter.
if anyone wants more detailed spoilers I can try and tell you