I think Rashta is innocent in the sense that she was a slave since childhood and had no education, she was robbed of love once before. And it was Shitvishtu (don't even remember his name) that brought her in, delusioned her into thinking she might be free of the slave status and be rich. Low key she was groomed into a villianess. And not even a proper one, no one was truly on her side, she did was she did to survive. This story is from the prespective of the elite, and you know who the elite find truly revolting?? The poor just trying to live another day
But you literally don't, you know how you behaved in the past in the circumstances that gave you an opportunity to choose an option, you never truly know yourself until you are in the moment of said situation. It's okay that you don't identifying with her because what she did was atrocious but you should never think that you would live better life in someone else's shoes. Her character is tragic because as a plot point in this story she didn't have other choices, no matter what she would do someone else was always giving her only bad cards to choose from. "But she was alredy a mistress, if she would live a quiet life nothing would have happened to her" she was a mistress once and she was disposed and ended up with a dead child in her arms. She is a well written character because her course of action makes sense. She ended up a bad person because everyone in her life was a bad person towards her, that's not an excuse of her behavior that's an explanation.
Meh. Still not sorry for her demise. Putting myself in her shoes, as a slave with no education, the best help I’d want from an emperor is to get me out of that status by serving him, not deluding myself into greedily wanting to replace the empress. So yeah, she deserves it.