This type of stories is just scraping the bottom of the barrel to create conflict between ...

akera October 12, 2024 1:30 am

This type of stories is just scraping the bottom of the barrel to create conflict between MC and androgynous guy wouldn't lose his feminine appeal just because he loves a girl. It's a job that he clocks at like the rest of us with jobs. If he is professional, being jealous and domineering in his personal time shouldn't affect his professional job. Models to some degree act like actors would. If he can't act just because he has a girlfriend then he should quit.

Also, let's suspend our disbelief and assume that "getting a girlfriend = losing half of his modeling career", what's the plan then? Remain single forever to keep his job? That old woman putting the blame on MC for this is so silly. I wouldn't have minded if the person using this argument was an immature teen but a middle aged woman chastising a young adult for "ruining" her lover's career just by existing is so stupid.
