I was gonna reply saying that I agree with you and have been holding back saying anything about how people treat Bihwan in the comment section. He had barely started his life when he was trapped. He believed the entire time he was betrayed by the man he not only loved but trusted more than anyone.
When he's finally set free after God only knows how long and the first person he sees is a man carrying the same soul as his first and only love ofc he'd be confused and have a hard time coming to the reality that even Seoho cannot stop the hands of time. Minchan is more than likely his reincarnation and we'll probably get some huge season finale reveal, but to Bihwan who has lived among spirits and the dead the outside didn't really matter as much as the contents inside. So long as someone has Seoho's soul, Bihwan will see them as Seoho.
It's good that he's coming to realize that isn't the case tho. Minchan may have Seoho's soul, but it's been his own life he was living this entire time.

I agree. I love them both and people who treated Bihwan like he was a jerk for not just “letting go” of seoho just don’t understand a complex character like him. And they don’t understand complex relationships like bihwan and minchan or conflict points in stories or anything. I despise when people say I’m these comment sections that a conflict shouldn’t even be written in, like that defeats the whole entire purpose of most stories. Like it would be bland if everything went smoothly u know? I loveeeeee when one character might be a little rude or traumatized because it shows room for growth, and makes the stories interesting. Ya know? Lol

I think a lot of people just want nothing but soft feelings and maybe some action scenes to go with it to help with their escapism. That's fine.
It just annoys me when a series is complex, has complex characters, complex themes and tackles more adult or darker themes and people act like it's bad or "poorly written" just 'cause their reading comprehension is in the dumpster. Not everyone wants stories that are 99.9% feels goods. Just like how not everyone wants to read something that's gonna tear their heart out and curb stomp it lol
The difference in these two groups is that one usually doesn't care that the other only wants to read vanilla love stories while the other can't comprehend "why anyone would want to read a story like this."
I love Bihwan and all his faults. I love Minchan for persevering and staying strong despite death constantly looming over him. I hope Bihwan is able to be the support Minchan desperately needs and that they both fall in love despite their circumstances. They're good for each other.
I cannot explain how much I like the way bihwan's and minchan's character is written? In bihwan's case, it really is not easy to let 'seoho' go especially when you've been trapped longing for him for ?? 1000+ years. He's been seing seoho in minchan because he sees they have the same soul and if that were me, it would actually be really hard to accept that that's a different person now from the one I have been dying to meet again. They're really complex and I love that the reason bihwan was able to see "minchan" is because he saw the life that created the minchan he met.