i literally said in the message you responded to that it’s not JUST that he doesn’t enjoy it, it’s both that he doesn’t enjoy it AND he doesn’t want it. the reason why i still factor enjoyment in is because there’s obviously a range of non-enjoyment of sex/a range of reasons why someone might not enjoy sex. your partner doing something that just isn’t sexually stimulating to you, for example, is very different from your partner actively hurting you (without your consent).
anyway yeah i’m not dumb and unfamiliar with yaoi like you try to claim i and many others are, i know that “no” often means “yes” in yaoi. it’s the same in a lot of media. i have complex thoughts about it but either way i think it’s worth considering the context of what’s going on around the objections. first of all there are such things like rape fantasies. but they’re still called RAPE fantasies, so some kind of rape is happening, real or imagined (in the context of the story, not real life, before you say some “you think this is real” shit). so if you’re acknowledging there’s elements of basic nonconsent here then you have to at say that there’s at least a nonconsensual fantasy happening here. secondly, rape/ravishment fantasies often involve the person being raped/ravished enjoying it in some way? not just physically but also emotionally? i don’t really see that happening…ever. at least not so far. but then i’m also like, idk what is fantastical or appealing about jaekyung treating dan like he’s a worthless piece of shit under his shoes even outside of their sex so like
“just explain the evidence”
>explains the evidence several times, thoroughly
“that’s not real evidence”
>discusses why the evidence is evidence/what the evidence means, acknowledging and exploring the nuance added by a common fictional trope and how it actually maps out onto the webtoon in question
“not reading, it’s just fiction”
okay buddy well. some of us like to actually engage with and think about what we’re reading.
does this have rape :)?