my thoughts cos idk abt others but i love the 1st couple. theyre so simple and lovely to look at. reminds me how love stories dun need to have any complexities to be beautiful like theirs
ofc i love nan x guk too i actually love both couples and cant choose a fav
also i think the authors focusing on them since theyre more complicated? just my opinion
i dun see them as toxic for me theyre just rlly complicated. im not sure if its just cos i relate to nan too much. his fears and even his of thinking. their back n forth progress isnt irritating to me like others describe. but still if i had to choose a rs for myself id want one like jaehwan and maehwas. so simple and adorablee uwu
Do Koreans prefer the second couple more? Because why is the author focusing so much on them. Like they got a whole season to them then they were the main focus again in season 3 and now even the side stories???