I haven't finished the novel yet since I've just been reading the raws vers
SPOILERS AHEADDD (I haven't finished the novel yet so yeah sorry:(
After Alexis gets knocked out he was pretty pissed about it lol, also Degona was actually the reason on why Alexis thinks that Eugene is a prophet, since she said smth about Eugene being a prophet so yeah.
Afterwards four of them (Alexis, Eugene, Degona, Chris?) gets trapped in a dungeon (I think, sorry it's been so long and I haven't picked it back up yet)
They try to find a way back, during this scene Alexis and Eugene was pretty much still fighting. Eugene was also sick and was riding Alexis on the back lolol
And that's about it since I haven't finished the novel yet I'm sorryy (TT)
Eugene met up with Degona, Alexis did learn about it. Eugene rides a train? (I think I forgot) for almost hours and Alexis knew that Eugene has motion sickness, since he(Eugene) was willing to go through with that he(Alexis) thought Eugene was having an affair with Degona therefore following him all the way, but Eugene then knocked him out with his holy powers andd idk if I should spoil more HAHAHAHA
Forgive me for my poor explanation