I think you're the one who needs that,because I'm a 90s baby,we didn't have to be blue haired activist to love a person we just loved and that's what makes us different from most of you young LGBT people of today,y'all want to fuck anything that moves not love and commet to a partner.You all use youtube and tictok influecers as a guide to relationships when most of those people are mentally not ok in the first place yet y'all listen to and support their bullshit.

That's why these days abortion and sexually transmitted diseases is so high amongst young people,y'all are never happy,always in trouble and can't make good decisions and I mean most of y'all ok and not all,there are few smart young LGBT adults and some of them actually want love,commitment and to build a family and so if it's to date an older person who matches their desire for that then good for them.

if some younger lesbians want an actual good relationship wouldnt they date another younger lesbian who'd want a good relationship?? you cant just generalise what people want out of a relationship just from their age. that aside, these manga artists choose their characters to have big age gaps and its borderline weird and illegal. im just sick of reading good yuri and finding out they have a 10 year gap
bro whys the age gap always so big, genuinely what is the reason